24/7 Phone Services +260 974-805-256
info@paxymineralresources.com Plot4 Chikuni Road, Lusaka, Zambia

About Us

Renowned Heritage Remarkable Precision.

Rufunsa Gold Mining combines nearly 10 years of experience with innovative techniques to create the highest-quality in gold products.

Our renowned heritage and global footprint are built on the long-lasting relationships we foster with the largest and most prominent miners and investors in the precious metals industry.

10+Experience About Image 1

Rufunsa Gold Mining is a sector-leading gold producer, operating mines and projects in some countries in Africa.

Our portfolio spans the world’s most prolific gold districts and is focused on high-margin, long-life assets. Our highly diversified workforce is drawn almost entirely from our host nations and equipped with world-class skills.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the world’s most valued gold mining business by finding, developing, and owning the best assets, with the best people, to deliver sustainable returns for our owners and partners.

Our Dedication

Our expert craftsmen have perfected the centuries practice of forging precious metals to the highest standard possible. That dedication to excellence has given us an exhaustive array of honors, certifications, and accreditations from every major industry organization.